Not having time to dissolve

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-02-01 00:00:00

Not having time to dissolve

Kata (Nna Dgg Filippusdttir) is a senior police officer in charge of the crime department at the police station in Reykjavk, the capital of Iceland. With his experience, Kata should have been elected as the unit leader. Unfortunately, the post was later released because his leader -Magnus (Sigurur Sklason) appointed Helga (Tinna Hrafnsdttir) who had just moved there a few weeks earlier.

in his disappointment, Kata was again preoccupied with the finding of the murder victim at a small pier. From the CCTV footage, the big old man died after being stabbed repeatedly. Not satisfied until there, the killer even slashed the victim's eye so that the condition of the body looked even more terrible.

was murdered. Judging from the condition of the victim, it is clear that the killers of both are the same person.

The media easily guessed if the two cases were related and could be categorized as serial murder. Although he did not clearly admit that, Kata and the police officers indirectly agreed with the media crew's conclusion.

A detective from Oslo, Norway named Arnar (JP Karliak) is then brought in. Initially, Kata felt it was an unnecessary act.

"Will the level of public trust decrease because we are deemed incapable of handling this case?" asked Kata to Magnus.

However, Magnus easily answered. This is because they do need additional assistance due to the insufficient number of personnel.

the police finally found a link between the two victims. It turns out that the two of them used to work at the same place: a boarding school called Valhalla. And, when the police checked the place, they again found a dead woman who was also killed with slashed eyes. This woman was once a school administrator that had not been operating for more than 30 years.

Kata and Arnar worked together to investigate. Starting from interviewing former students who had attended school there. The families of the murder victims to related parties they met from the development of the case, including statements from the prosecutor who wrote a report that there was nothing wrong with the school.

The prosecutor's statement clearly contradicts the testimony of witnesses who stated that Valhalla was "hell" for his students. What really happened there and what was the motive for this murder?

* * *

Iceland is actually the safest country in the world. Of course there are murder cases but the numbers are very small. To developing countries, the killing of several people may "seem" commonplace, however, in that ice country, it creates fear among citizens.

The series with 8 episodes has found a bright spot in the fifth episode. The killer was caught. But apparently the last 3 episodes revealed more surprises.

The actors' acting is good. Especially the main actor duo. Nna Dgg Filippusdttir who plays the role of a policeman who has to share duties between the office and the house (her marriage is messed up and her son is involved in a complicated incident) has good acting. It was obvious that his inner struggle, especially having to work under a leadership that he didn't like.  

JP Karliak also played well. His cold expression grew alive. Oh yeah, the cinematography featuring Iceland in winter is also topnotch. Although not shooting in a tourist area, the landscape of Reykjavk is already beautiful from its sono without having to "do anything" anymore.

I watch other series because of a friend's recommendation, especially for The Valhalla Murders, I chose it impulsively because I was interested in the title and short story on Netflix . And, it turns out I was satisfied to see it.

Catagory :entertainment