The Girl on the Train Cheaters, Cheats, and Affair Victims

Doctors have convicted that the IVF program that Rachel Watson (Emily) and Tom Watson (Justin) underwent failed. At that time, Tom encouraged his wife. "It's okay, we can try again," he said as he gripped Rachel's fingers.
All is well until Rachel finds the X-coded emails Tom sent to real estate agent Anna Boyd (Rebecca). Apparently, Tom was having an affair long before the intention of having a child was fulfilled.
The divorce drums were beating. Tom fell into Anna's arms. Rachel, who can't accept the fact of being intimate with alcohol. His career in public relations ended. Unable to accept the harsh reality that comes repeatedly, Rachel becomes a denial person. He still goes through the routine of going to work by train. From behind the train window, he saw a harmonious couple, Scott (Luke) and Megan (Haley). They are often seen making out on balconies and courtyards.
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One day, through the train window, Rachel saw Megan hugging another boy. Seeing the act of infidelity, Rachel seemed connected to his past. He was furious, then planned to teach a lesson to the unfaithful Megan. He planned to grab Megan's head and hit her on the kitchen floor. A few days after the emotional plan was put in place, shocking news came. Megan is missing.
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The Girl on The Train to me is a story of sick people. Rachel is hurt, then looks for an outlet on the wrong path. Megan had a glimpse of joy. But, possessive Tom made his mind languish. Anna's life is better than the two. Having a household with Tom, who has an established career, is blessed with a cute daughter, but that happiness doesn't make Anna feel better. One day, he missed being an affair.
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The three women in this film are sick. They surrounded themselves with sick people. Tom cheats on Rachel. The possessive Scott gets out of control when Megan disappears. Psychiatrist Dr. Kamal Abdic (Edgar) who interacts with Megan desperately not to become sick like his patient. Once, Kamal let Megan (sorry) practice his index finger. Nobody is sane except for detective Riley (Allison) who patiently uncovers the complicated knots of Megan's murder.
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All the characters in this film carry a heavy load. Described in detail from the point of view of a number of characters. As a result, the audience accepts the truth in many versions. Then the truth becomes very relative unless you wait to find out what is behind this murder.
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Another factor that makes this film heavier is that the sick characters have a past that is no less painful. What happens then, cycles the flow of life from the present and the past with the level of serious pain.
Rachel's story is very dark. Megan was even darker. Anna is not too dark, but at the end of the film we know, Anna is the most helpless in the vicious circle of affairs. The pain formula plus the many versions of the truth that must be confirmed, the demands from the audience that complicated cases in a film should be resolved, make this film feel dragged in the second half. He becomes a labyrinth that never ends.
Not to mention, filmmaker Tate tries to show Rachel in detail. Drunken habits, what happened when they were married to Tom, accusations of breaking into the house, lonely hearts because men have not been touched for a long time, lost memory pieces, alibis, and others.
This process is too long and drains the audience's energy. On the plus side, the long process drained Emily Blunt's acting capacity. With details Tate told. In detail, Rachel transformed from a depressed widow, a depressed widow who found courage, to the peak (still widowed) to have the courage to uncover traps.
He was transformed into a victim of an affair who dared to sue for what he was accused of. Not through conventional legal channels but through their own way. Unexpectedly, the courage and confidence inspire another woman at the end of the story.
Through The Girl on the Train , Emily was nominated for the first time at the Screen Actor Guild (SAG) Awards in the Best Female Lead Actor category. SAG is recognized as one of the Academy Awards' “mirror reflections”. It is not impossible, Emily will win the first Oscar nomination, even though the road will be very steep.