WandaVision Ep 7 Agatha Harkness and Monica Rambeaus Strength

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-02-19 00:00:00

WandaVision Ep 7 Agatha Harkness and Monica Rambeaus Strength

The 7th episode of the WandaVision series begins with seeing Wanda's condition after in the previous episode she expanded her reality. It can be seen that Wanda's mental or mental health is still unstable due to the events on Halloween night that nearly killed Vision. 

Billy and Tommy also reported to their mother that the console they were playing with was constantly changing shape. Wanda also didn't really care what Billy and Tommy said. 

A few moments later when Billy and Tommy were in the living room, Wanda came downstairs to get some cereal and milk. When taking milk suddenly the bottle or container of milk changes shape without Wanda's will. Throughout this episode, it is shown that Wanda's reality is unstable so that the goods around Wanda change shape. 

Wanda also did not know why the objects around her changed without being moved by her. This may be due to Wanda's state of mind which is still chaotic due to the events in the previous episode. 

Agnes suddenly came to the house and saw Wanda's condition which was not well. Seeing this, Agnes asked Billy and Tommy to come to her house with Wanda's permission. 

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Turning to the other hand, Monica Rambeau and Agent Woo make it to the Sword Organization headquarters that are still loyal to Monica's mother. Monica and Agent Woo attempt to break through the wall to enter the Wanda World. 

This was done by Monica to save Wanda so that she was not considered a criminal. Sword helps Monica enter the world of Wanda by lending her their specially designed vehicle. 

Unfortunately, after trying to enter the vehicle Monica failed to break through the walls of Wanda's world. 

Finally, Monica decided to run straight to the wall. After experiencing a very hard struggle, Monica managed to enter the world of Wanda with different eyeballs. 

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Finally, Monica managed to find Wanda at her house. Seeing Monica return, Wanda was immediately displeased and immediately used her strength to drive Monica away. 

When Wanda dropped him to the ground, Monica was able to withstand Wanda's power and in his body there was a light that appeared. This is probably the power from Monica that she got when she entered the world of Wanda for the second time. Agnes who saw the incident immediately went to Wanda and Monica to invite Wanda to her house. 

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When he came to Agnes's house, Wanda felt strange because the house was dark and there were insects in the house. Wanda also realized that her twins were not in the house and immediately asked Agnes about it. 

After hearing Agnes's answer that her two children were in the basement, Wanda immediately headed down and saw that there were several pillars and a book with a light around it. 

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Suddenly Agnes entered and admitted that he was a magician named Agatha Harkness . It turns out that all this time strange events such as when Wanda and Vision did a magic show that didn't go well were Harkness's act of magic. 

Even the person who killed Sparky was Harkness. Of course we will still be waiting for what will happen to Wanda in the episode that will air next week. 

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Catagory :entertainment