Organic farming products are agricultural and food products made without the use of synthetic pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives, and genetically modified products. Refining and mineralization, the addition of artificial flavors and colors are prohibited in the processing and manufacture of finished products.
Organic farming products are agricultural and food products made without the use of synthetic pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives, and genetically modified products. Refining and mineralization, the addition of artificial flavors and colors are prohibited in the processing and manufacture of finished products.
Organic farming has now spread to most countries in the world. Many states create national laws and certification systems for the production and sale of organic products. At the same time, the area of land occupied by ecological agriculture is also increasing. The general idea is to manage a holistic ecosystem without undue interference with natural processes. As a result, we get a double benefit: both "cleaner" agricultural products, and a decrease in the burden on nature.
Despite the gradual involvement of both state and private Belarusian enterprises in this process, such products are available to our consumers in very small quantities. And this is due to a number of reasons:
low natural fertility. After all , sod-podzolic soils prevail in Belarus , and not black earth; non-transparency of the certification procedure, since at the moment there is no legal framework that would regulate the production and sale of organic food; lack of an organization protecting the interests of organic farmers . A kind of farmers' trade union, which would professionally represent their interests before the authorities and the population, is necessary, since it is impossible to deal with two things at once - and the cultivation of products, and actively communicate with the authorities and the public; greenwashing is the environmentally friendly positioning of a company or product / service without sufficient grounds for this. Today, it is difficult for producers of organic products to prove to customers that their products are such, because on the shelves there are products with the prefixes "bio", "eco". Such products are perceived by people as clean and they are much cheaper. These products discredit the organic farmer.
However, if there is a definite demand for expensive organic products, why not? They can find their place in Belarusian agriculture. In addition, it is important not to forget about the secondary benefits we get from organic products. By consuming healthier food, we preserve not only nature, but also our body. After all, we get everything that our body needs with food and water.
5 reasons to choose organic food:
For health. By deciding to switch to organic food, a person's immunity is definitely increased, as there are studies confirming a higher content of vitamins and antioxidants in organic fruits and vegetables. No harmful additives. Unlike vegetables or fruits obtained through the use of growth accelerators or GMOs, natural organic products are natural (natural). So, in the composition of organic food, you will never find the popular and dangerous: the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, the sweetener aspartame or the hydrogenated fat margarine. Pesticide Free Guarantee. There is a direct correlation between the consumption of foods with residual pesticides and health problems. By choosing organic products, you eliminate the ingress of these harmful substances into the body. Consequently, the likelihood of the occurrence of various diseases, including oncology, is reduced. Nitrates are below normal. In organic agriculture, the use of mineral fertilizers is prohibited and more natural cultivation methods are recognized, using manure, compost, crop change, etc. Caring for the environment . On organic farms, the land is being restored, nearby water bodies are not affected by harmful fertilizer runoff, and there is a greater variety of livestock on the field.Currently, in the Republic of Belarus, within the framework of the Small Grants Program of the Global Environment Facility in Belarus, the implementation of the initiative "Development of the technology of switching to organic fertilizers of domestic production of agricultural enterprises in the Cherikovsky region" is coming to an end .
This initiative is carried out by IKU "Business Development Assistance" together with partners - the Cherikovsky District Executive Committee and the Yezersky Village Council - on the basis of the communal agricultural unitary enterprise (KSUP) "Yezersky".
During the initiative, measures were taken to reduce the impact of chemicals on the environment and human health by developing a technology for switching to liquid organic fertilizers of domestic production of agricultural enterprises in the Cherikovsky district.
Within the framework of the project, a technology has been developed for the transition to organic farming without the use of pesticides on the territory of the Cherikovsky district of the Mogilev region. This technology will allow not only to enrich the soil with useful environmentally friendly substances, but also to improve the quality of products and reduce the financial burden on agricultural enterprises and agro-industrial complexes.