The number of patients incarcerated for the virus reflected an increase of 109 more than yesterday

Publish Date : 2022-01-06 00:00:00

The number of patients incarcerated for the virus reflected an increase of 109 more than yesterday

The number of patients incarcerated for the virus reflected an increase of 109 more than yesterday

The number of patients incarcerated for the virus reflected an increase of 109 more than yesterday. Of these, 79 are pediatric cases.

The Department of Health reported today, Thursday, 14 additional deaths from COVID-19 , increasing to 3,338 the total in this line since the pandemic began in March 2020.

Through a tweet, the agency reported that all the deceased suffered from pre-existing conditions. By coronavirus vaccination status, they are divided into five unvaccinated, eight vaccinated and one with a booster dose.

"Scientific evidence indicates that the booster dose provides protection against severity and hospitalization," the agency said.

On August 31, Health registered 28 deaths from COVID-19 in Puerto Rico, which is the highest number reported in a daily report so far as a pandemic. At that time the agency reported that 22 of the 28 victims were not vaccinated.

Some of the new deaths occurred on December 27, 2021 (1), December 28 (2), December 30 (1) and December 31 (1). The others were on January 2, 2022 (1), January 3 (2), January 4 (3) and yesterday, January 5 (3). The victims ranged from 44 to 101 years old.

Unvaccinated people have a five times greater risk of contracting COVID-19 and a 14 times greater risk of dying from the disease when compared to fully vaccinated people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Health reported yesterday, Wednesday, six new deaths from the virus, including that of a 31-year-old woman from the Arecibo region. These deaths were recorded on December 23, 2021 (1), December 28, 2021 (1), January 1, 2022 (2), January 3, 2022 (1) and yesterday, January 4, (1) .

Some of the new deaths occurred on December 27, 2021 (1), December 28 (2), December 30 (1) and December 31 (1). The others were on January 2, 2022 (1), January 3 (2), January 4 (3) and yesterday, January 5 (3). The victims ranged from 44 to 101 years old.

Unvaccinated people have a five times greater risk of contracting COVID-19 and a 14 times greater risk of dying from the disease when compared to fully vaccinated people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Health reported yesterday, Wednesday, six new deaths from the virus, including that of a 31-year-old woman from the Arecibo region. These deaths were recorded on December 23, 2021 (1), December 28, 2021 (1), January 1, 2022 (2), January 3, 2022 (1) and yesterday, January 4, (1) .

Have you not been vaccinated or have you not received the booster dose? Here we tell you where you can.
On the other hand, the average number of confirmed cases was 2,007 and the average number of probable cases was 5,690.

To date, in Puerto Rico, 2,778,477 eligible persons from 5 years of age (90.3%) have been vaccinated with at least one dose, of which 2,479,608 (80.6%) have completed the two-dose series. Additionally, 108,784 children ages 5 to 11 have at least one dose, and 732,533 people 18 years and older have received the booster dose.

Health reported today that it modified the graphic representation to inform the number of people who have died due to COVID-19.

"We are providing the information necessary for the population to make decisions based on scientific evidence and feel confident that the data provided is recent, objective and with meaning for the person who reads it," said Health Secretary Carlos Mellado .

Health reports 14 deaths and 648 hospitalized by COVID-19 this Three Kings Day

Health reports 14 deaths and 648 hospitalized by COVID-19 this Three Kings Day

The Health Department reported 14 deaths and 648 hospitalized for COVID-19 this Three Kings Day .

The deaths correspond to nine vaccinated and five unvaccinated people , Salud indicated. These deaths were registered on December 27, 29, 30 and 31, 2021, and on January 2, 3, 4 and 5, 2022.

Meanwhile, hospitalizations correspond to 569 adults, 77 in intensive, and 79 pediatric, four in intensive . The number of hospitalizations represents an increase of 109 people, since on Wednesday the figures stood at 456 adults and 83 pediatric , for a total of 539.

On the other hand, this Thursday there was an average of 2,007 positive cases detected through molecular tests and an average of 5,690 probable positive cases through antigen tests.

The positivity rate stood at 36.12% .

On vaccination, some 2,483,192 (80.7%) people have the complete dose series, while 2,782,294 (90.4%) have at least one dose. In Puerto Rico there are 3,076,212 people eligible to be vaccinated from the age of five, according to Health.

Tras reportarse 14 muertes adicionales por COVID-19 este Día de Reyes Magos, el Departamento de Salud emitió un comunicado de prensa para anunciar un nuevo formato para informar estos fallecimientos, y a su vez, el secretario Carlos Mellado explicó por qué últimamente se están registrando más muertes entre personas vacunadas.

Salud modificó la representación gráfica de los decesos, que ahora incluye a los fallecidos que tenían el refuerzo de la vacuna.

Se reportan 14 fatalidades a causa del COVID-19. Todos con condiciones preexistentes. La evidencia científica apunta a...

After reporting 14 additional deaths from COVID-19 this Three Kings Day , the Department of Health issued a press release to announce a new format to report these deaths, and in turn, Secretary Carlos Mellado explained why more are being recorded lately deaths among vaccinated people.

Health modified the graphic representation of deaths, which now includes the deceased who had the vaccine booster.

This Wednesday, of the 14 deceased people, nine were vaccinated, one of them with the booster, and five were not vaccinated.

From January 1, 2022 to January 6, 2022, Health reported 20 deaths from COVID-19 of vaccinated and 13 of unvaccinated.

“We are providing the information necessary for the population to make decisions based on scientific evidence and feel confident that the data provided is recent, objective and with meaning for the person who reads it. Unfortunately, most of the people who have passed away are people with pre-existing conditions and who were either not vaccinated or had been vaccinated but had not received the booster dose, despite being eligible for it. We think that this information will once again show the value of the vaccine and the booster dose, "said Mellado López on the new format for presenting deaths.

“The report of people who died a few days shows that the number of deaths is higher in vaccinated people than in non-vaccinated people; the explanation for this is that 74% of the population is vaccinated, so proportionally, the number will be higher. We understand that this can create confusion. We want to clarify it with this new way of sharing data with citizens ”, he explained.

Mellado recalled that the vaccine reduces its effectiveness over time, especially after six months since the last dose in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, or two months in the case of Johnson & Johnson.

“Fully vaccinated people have a much lower risk of COVID-19 virus infection and dying from virus complications compared to unvaccinated people. This risk is further reduced in people fully vaccinated with a booster dose when compared to those who do not have the additional dose. It has been shown that the effectiveness of the vaccine diminishes over time. For this reason, it is necessary for eligible people to go to a vaccination center to receive their reinforcement or 'booster' dose ”, added Mellado López.

At this time, people eligible to receive the booster are age 12 and older who received the Pfizer vaccine and age 18 or older who received the Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Catagory :health