For the writer, Danny Elfmans musical composition is certainly not bad

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-02-21 00:00:00

For the writer, Danny Elfmans musical composition is certainly not bad

On the contrary, Justice League's music appeared magnificent and "superheroine" thanks to its classical orchestral composition.

It's just that this actually removes the common thread of background music that has been built since Man Of Steel and Batman V Superman . Moreover, the combination of the classic Superman Theme and Batman Theme is faintly heard in several scenes . Things that did evoke nostalgia, but it shouldn't appear anymore because both the Superman Theme and the Batman Theme are part of another "universe" unrelated to the DCEU.

In Zack Snyder 's Justice League , we finally get to hear the music composition of Junkie XL, after Snyder promised that the film's background music will return to its roots. The following is the composition of the background music by Junkie XL that has just been released on all platforms including YouTube.

I did principal photography for Zack. We finished shooting and he started editing," Wagner said. "We did the color grading for the trailers.  Then they started reshoots. I wasn't there. It was a completely different team. They reshot 55 days, I think.Everything else is a reshoot. "- Fabian Wagner via

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Although Zack Snyder's name is still plastered as a director in the 2017 film Justice League , it cannot be denied that the film is the complete work of Joss Whedon . This has recently been proven through the words of the film's cinematographer and Director of Photography , Fabian Wegner ( Overlord, Game of Thrones ).

Fabian said that the Justice League theaterical veesion only took about 10% or 30 minutes of the Zack Snyder version of the scene from a total of 5 hours of recorded scenes . Shows that the remaining 90% is the result of Joss Whedon's reshoots . And Fabian Wagner was not involved in this reshoot process .

So , with Zack Snyder's Justice League, which will last for 4 hours, we will not only see unseen footage or deleted footage , but also see a whole film that is completely new. Quoting Fabian Wegner's words, that the director's cut version is the real Justice League .

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So there will be around an additional 150 minutes of unseen footage and 5 minutes of additional scene that Snyder promised to his fans. Most recently, Ben Affleck and Jared Leto returned to shoot the Knightmare scene of Batman and the appearance of the Joker. It is also said that an additional scene shows the presence of the character Martian Manhunter for the first time.

Ray Fisher claimed that every single shot involving Victor Stone in the theatrical cut was a reshoot" -

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Zack Snyder once said that the Cyborg character initially served as the driving force of this film . The tragic story of Cyborg aka Victor Stone makes this film have the heart and space for sentimental moments amidst the hustle and bustle of superhuman battles. Things that we certainly cannot get in the reshoot version of Joss Whedon .

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In Whedon's hands, the Cyborg character has almost no function. The screen time was also cut, in the aftermath of reducing the total film duration to 2 hours. This of course disappointed Ray Fisher as the character actor.

With the presence of Zack Snyder's Justice League , it is certain that Cyborg's vital role will be restored. As well as a clear and strong origin story , according to Zack Snyder's vision, of course.

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You can see how Ray Fisher's reaction was so emotional and happy when Zack Snyder finally revealed that this director's cut version was released. Here's the video;

In the 2017 version, the heroes are required to fight with Steppenwolf. But the reason he came to earth did not have a strong backstory . We only know that he is targeting Motherbox for certain purposes.

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