Best Benefits And Advantages of Cherries For Human Body

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-11-24 00:00:00

Cherry is a favorite fruit of many, but not everyone appreciates the beneficial properties of this common berry. This article will tell you how you can use a berry for treatment and what exactly cherries are useful for the body, and also consider the issue of cherry pits, their dangers and benefits.

Calorie content and composition of cherries:
Cherry is a representative of the Rosaceae family, with a gray-brown colored bark and a rather spreading crown. The cherry color is especially beautiful - white small flowers cover the entire branch. The berries have a sweet and sour taste. Depending on the type of berries, cherries can be different in size, but medicinal properties and contraindications are typical for each tree. This berry has been known to people since ancient times. Our ancestors knew not only about the taste, but also about the benefits of cherries.

If you have already decided to use cherries to treat and prevent possible diseases, you must know exactly what chemicals the cherries contain. Cherry composition: glucose and fructose - 11.3%; organic acid - 1.3%; vegetable fiber - 0.5%. Mineral components: phosphorus - 30 mg; manganese - 26 mg; calcium - 37 mg; sodium - 20 mg; iron - 1.4 mg; potassium - 256 mg. In addition, cherries have a large amount of vitamins B, C, PP, as well as folic, citric, malic, succinic, salicylic acids. Among what is useful in cherries, there are also seeds: they contain 25-35% fatty acids, essential oil, glycoside, amygdalin. Even the bark of the tree is full of useful elements such as tannins, coumarin, amygdalin. Calorie content of cherries: 100 g of fresh berries contain 52 kcal. Useful properties of cherries Cherry brings more benefits than harm to the human body. Using it can not only make you healthier, but it will also improve your mood thanks to the great taste of the berry. The work of almost all parts of the body can be "corrected" by the use of cherries. Why cherries are useful First of all, cherries are useful for those who, according to the doctor's prescription, need a dietary diet, as well as those who have no appetite - cherries make you want to eat. Cherries have a very good effect on metabolic processes in the body, which is associated with the content of inositol in the berry. Cherries are an antioxidant berry that can dull the aging process of the body. By and large, cherries strengthens the vascular and circulatory system, the digestive system, the genitourinary system, and can also lower blood cholesterol levels. Cherry fruits are useful for both men and women and are often used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology, perfumery and pharmacology. Another important factor is that cherries, despite their calorie content, saturate the body with all the necessary substances. The berry is very useful for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, because the glycemic index of this berry is much lower than that of the rest. Dried, dried and frozen cherries, as well as cherry pits, are as useful as fresh berries, but they can also be harmful. Dried cherries are a great bonus to compotes and tea in winter, when the body especially needs a summer accent, as well as additional protection. As part of a compote or simply steamed dried cherries, it can help fight colds. As for frozen cherries, they are as useful as fresh berries, and retain all their characteristics - from calorie content to useful properties. Sun-dried cherries are composed of the same trace elements as fresh ones, and are both beneficial and harmful in equal amounts. Dried cherries work well for diseases of the cardiovascular system, for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, as well as for pregnant women, to replenish the reserves of folic acid. Cherry in any form is a tasty and healthy fruit that brings not only culinary pleasure, but also benefits to the body. For two tens of centuries, cherries have been known to mankind, and for the same amount of time people have been using it not only in cooking, but also to improve their health. Let's talk about this in more detail. Eating cherries to boost immunity Cherries are primarily important for immunity because they contain the hormone melatonin, which helps to improve sleep. A small amount of this enzyme can cause migraines and even disrupt the functioning of the central nervous system. For this, cherries can be consumed not only fresh, but also dried and dried. Also, to increase immunity, the presence of vitamin C in cherries is useful, which is especially beneficial for the body in winter. Often when discussing the beneficial properties of cherries, the question arises: does cherries increase pressure. There is only one answer: on the contrary, cherries help to normalize blood pressure due to the high content of oxycoumarins and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. The only thing that cherries can increase is hemoglobin, but this also has a beneficial effect on the body. Benefits of cherries for the kidneys Cherries contain a large amount of pectin, which helps the body to cope with toxins and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys. A decoction of cherries can help remove urea and urates from the body, which also helps prevent and treat kidney disease. It is simple to prepare such a broth: 10 g of dry crushed berries need to be poured with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the heat and filtered, boiled water is added. As a result, at least 250 ml of liquid should remain. You need to drink such a broth throughout the day in small portions.

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