Amazing Benefits of Walking

Walking is not just a way to get from point A to point B. It can give you so much more.
1. Cheer up
Walking improves your spirits, especially if you are not walking in the gym, but outdoors. Moreover, they have recommended yourself as a remedy for depression.
2. Will awaken creativity
If you've lost inspiration and don't know how to get it back, or are trying to turn an idea into a viable project, take a spirited outing. Walking improves convergent and divergent thinking, both of which are closely related to creativity.
3. It will help to fight the manifestations of allergies
In allergy season, you want to barricade yourself at home to protect yourself from irritants and get rid of sneezing, tears, itching. However, scientists do not support such a strategy. According to research, walking and running effectively eliminate symptoms allergy.
4. Reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a complex of health problems that includes high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and excess weight. He is a harbinger of diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, early death. Metabolic syndrome appears due to a sedentary lifestyle, but exists effective and a free remedy against it is aerobic exercise. Vigorous walking is a great option for your health.
5. Extend life
Daily workouts will help extend for seven years. And there is a great chance that you will live these additional years with pleasure, as people who walk feel happier.
6. Will help you save money
Fitness Club membership and coaching classes can be expensive. You don't need any additional equipment to walk. You don't even need to spend money on special shoes, you just need to choose the most comfortable pair from the existing ones.
7. Prolong youth
Research show that people who regularly walk are younger at the cellular level than their lazy peers. Aerobic exercise helps to maintain and lengthen the telomere regions of chromosomes, which shorten with age, and reduce the biological age of a person.
8. Normalizes sleep
People who walk regularly are better and stronger sleeping, are less likely to suffer from insomnia, problems with long falling asleep and other disorders. And good rest is one of the key factors in a long and healthy life.
Walking is an easy way to keep fit . Many sports and physical activity are inaccessible to people for many reasons, but walking is not one of them. It has practically no contraindications, and also does not require additional equipment.
Helps to keep weight in the norm
Australian scientists conducted a study in 2013. They measured the weight of 822 people and found that over the course of four years, each participant gained an average of 1 kilogram 400 grams. It was noted that those who walked to work gained on average 900 grams less than those who traveled by car.
Regulates Blood Sugar
By walking, you can regulate your blood sugar. Research published in Diabetes Care suggests that three 15-minute walks after meals are more effective in regulating blood sugar than one 45-minute walk in the morning or afternoon.
Boosts Spirit
"Just 10 minutes of walking at a pace can boost your mood by two hours," says American psychologist Robert Thayer, based on his research.
Improves memory
In people who walk for 40 minutes 3 times a week, memory improves by 2%. Kirk Erickson, lead author of the study, suspects that the main reason for this rate is increased blood flow to the brain.
Walking Protects Against Heart Disease
Those who walk for at least 15 minutes every day have a 4.5% lower risk of heart problems.
Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer
Walking improves metabolism, regulates hormone levels, and boosts immunity . A study by the American Cancer Society reports that walking for an hour every day reduces the risk of women getting breast cancer by 14%.
Walking is easy and free
To walk you need comfortable shoes and desire.
If you decide to go in for race walking and lose weight with its help, then you need to know how to do it correctly. For effective calorie consumption, you need to alternate the intensity of the exercise. Change your speed several times during your workout. It is best to walk for two minutes at a normal pace, and then two minutes at a fast pace.
A 20 minute walk will extend life by 7 years. Slow down the aging process!
If you want to improve physical fitness , increase endurance, strengthen the heart muscle, immunity, as well as the musculoskeletal system, then walking is for you. The main thing is that walking helps you lose weight and it is a completely gentle workout for your health. Go out for a walk and take your friends with you. And if everyone is lazy, then go yourself or take a dog with you, who will like such a pastime.
German scientists from the University of Saarland conducted a study. It was attended by 69 people. The volunteers had never been involved in sports and had no bad habits. For 6 months these people walked 20 minutes a day and donated blood for analysis.
As a result of the study, it turned out that its participants were able to slow down the aging process of the body. With the help of walking, you can not only look much younger, but also extend your life by several years - from 3 to 7.
Also, scientists have confirmed the fact that sports is a wonderful antidepressant and it can slow down the process of dementia.