Amazing Advantages And Benefits of Solar Power

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-10-23 00:00:00

Amazing Advantages And Benefits of Solar Power

First, about the advantages of using solar panels

A photovoltaic solar battery has an almost unlimited service life (for 25-30 years, their production decreases by 10-20%). It does not make noise, does not require fuel, does not smell, there is no need to carry canisters, change the oil and build a separate (preferably fireproof) room with soundproof walls, exhaust ventilation and an exhaust pipe.

If you have a solar power system, then you listen to the birds and watch the children playing in the garden and do not inhale CO 2 . But the main thing is electricity around the clock, and not only when the generator starts up at 10 attempts, and rattles to the "joy" of you and your neighbors. You always have a screwdriver, phone, camera, etc. charged. Is it logical to reduce the resource of a powerful generator for the sake of generating several watts?

The undoubted plus of the round-the-clock power supply is the ability to install an alarm. There are many options. From the simplest car alarm to an intelligent home with a video recorder, GSM - module, video on-line, and other "bells and whistles". If you have a house, a temporary house, a bathhouse made of a bar, then it is enough to install a car alarm with a seismic sensor (shock sensor). These are the simplest, cheapest and most sufficient options, since wooden houses conduct low-frequency vibrations very well. It is not for nothing that the best acoustic systems (speakers) are wooden. In the event of a hacking attempt, it will surely work, and if it does not arrest it, it will certainly produce a psychological effect on the intruder (Who knows, maybe the whole “aul” will now run away, or the neighbor with the “bazooka” will wake up?). The same can be said about a log house, it is not much inferior to a bar. For brick and stone houses, a car alarm with a volume sensor is more suitable, they are not much more expensive, by 15-20%. And your property is guarded "at the very least". One solar battery with a capacity of 80-100 W provides the necessary lighting, the operation of a small TV, a water pump, a trimmer. Any student at school can handle installation and connection. In solar panels there is no "mechanics" (in fact, there is nothing to break), tempered, textured glass, which does not reflect rays, allows you to collect more by 15% of scattered radiation, and withstands any hail and wind. It is often said: - "In winter there is almost no sun." I agree, almost not, but:

First, in winter, electricity consumption can be reduced. The issue of the refrigerator is removed, it is he who consumes the lion's share of electricity in the summer. You do not mow the grass twice a week with the 750 W electric trimmer. There is no need to pump the water barrels daily for irrigation with a 550 W pump. Yes, lighting costs increase, but they are usually much less than a refrigerator or high-power electrical equipment consumes. Sun Roof VerandaThe solar battery, from dawn to dusk, "silently" does its job even in cloudy weather. Although the output in cloudy weather, of course, is significantly lower than in sunny weather. But if you come in winter only for weekends and holidays, the question simply does not arise. Energy has time to accumulate in the batteries during your absence. Thirdly, the lower the temperature, the higher the efficiency of the solar battery. Your task is to ensure that there is no snow on the solar panel. This is done by changing the angle of installation of solar panels from “summer” to “winter”, which in our latitudes is 70-80º to the horizon. If there is not enough energy, you will still have to start the generator in order to recharge the batteries.

Now a little about the cons

When operating in winter, it is necessary to ensure that there is no snow and ice on solar panels. The main method for this is to install solar panels almost vertically, at an angle of 70-80º to the horizon. It is necessary to ensure positive temperatures for the batteries. If the house is residential, then this is not a problem - you still need to heat the house, even if you come only for the weekend. It should be borne in mind that most types of batteries do not charge at negative temperatures. The arrival of solar radiation in winter is indeed much less than in summer. However, only 3 months of the year - November, December and January - can be considered “critical”. From February, the amount of solar energy can be sufficient to cover a significant part of consumption. Of course, all of our previous arguments do not take into account the cost of home heating and hot water supply. In winter, you need to get energy for this from other energy sources. Best of all - from any kind of combustible fuel - from wood to gasoline.

Catagory :technology