Fashion that Has Great Potential in the Creative Industry

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2020-12-28 00:00:00

Fashion that Has Great Potential in the Creative Industry

Economic activities that are driven through the role of intellectuals by human resources are the definition of creative economic industrial activities. In early 2006, the prospect of the creative economy began to be glimpsed and eventually gave birth to as many as 16 creative industry sub-sectors in Indonesia. One of the many subsectors of the industry is the sector in the fashion sector. 

Based on the 2006 revenue contribution diagram in the creative industry sector, the fashion sector got a figure of 43.71%, which is the leader of the 16 sub-sectors of the creative industry in Indonesia. Fashion is a way for someone to express their expression through the means of accessories, clothes, shoes, to make-up. 

Fashion has a cycle known as the fast fashion cycle in which demand will increase greatly over time so it will be difficult to predict the extent to which this fashion trend will last. However, in reality the fashion sector can still be an attraction for consumers to increase the value of state income.

The audience will always use and look for fashion elements. Why? Because the basic of fashion itself can develop quickly in line with consumer desires as said above. People will try to fulfill their aesthetic needs with production and consumption activities. 

The point is when someone will make a choice to become a founder or part of the creative industry sector in the fashion sector itself or just become a consumer. The phenomenon of the rapid development of fashion in the world or in Indonesia itself is a reflection of creativity, where creativity is a pillar of the movement of the creative industry sector in Indonesia. The creativity of one's thoughts can be expressed in the form of products and services. In addition, creativity also opens up opportunities for new jobs in order to improve the welfare of its people.

The development of new industrial entrepreneurs based on creative economy is strongly supported and encouraged by the growth of the Indonesian government. The creative industry is able to generate a sizeable contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) up to IDR 1,000 trillion in the previous year. 

One of the reasons why the government continues to move the fashion sector in the creative industry sector is because this field is a very promising field for the benefit of state revenues in the long term. The potential of human resources that are developing in the Indonesian nation in this fashion sector can be more superior and can compete with human resources in other great nations. 

Efforts to upgrade or update facilities at work training centers shaded by BBPLK are a program promised by the government since 2018. BBPLK includes a very large and important role because in it they mobilize and encourage intensity to increase the competence of human resources in Indonesia. .

The government's efforts to develop creative industries include the development of new entrepreneurs and the application of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). In addition, the government also provides facilities for the community in the form of business loans, opportunities to overhaul the structure of machinery and equipment, facilitation of promotions, coaching by design experts, and strategies to develop branding for a fashion product.

The fashion industry is the number 1 contributor followed by the culinary and crafts sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the creative economy sub-sector in 2017. Because the fashion industry contributes greatly to the national economy, the government also continues to make every effort to move the creative industry this. The steps taken by the Ministry of Manpower are by developing training centers in several regions. 

The government has also trained 1,800 people to become prospective designers. The government hopes that participants who have participated in design training can develop their talents in the fashion industry. Government support does not only stop at the points above, but the birth of a young entrepreneur in the fashion sector is also very much awaited by the government because this industry is also one that has a fairly wide target market in the millennial generation. 

According to the Director of Export Product Development and Creative Economy, Dody Edward, the development of the fashion industry in Indonesia requires intervention in various ways and strategic efforts in its implementation. The distribution of products that are expected to penetrate and dominate local markets such as in Asia and internationally is one of the supports and strategies that can be provided by the Ministry of Trade. 

This support and strategy is outlined in the efforts made, such as implementing promotions in collaboration with technology so as to create an effectiveness that will be targeted both at home and abroad, increasing the basis of market understanding for fashion actors, providing provisions to learn how to branding and promotion, as well as marketing. a product until it reaches the target consumer.

Referring to the government's actions that support young entrepreneurs in the fashion sector, it encourages many millennials to establish their own brands. There are many local pride support movements voiced by millennials through movements on social media with hashtags or holding a webinar. The principle is that local products must be able to host their own country. 

However, it is undeniable that personal branding of local products to penetrate the international market is a little difficult. In addition, the perception that export products are of better quality is still very much attached to people's minds. The price benchmark that is still affordable for export products is a reason why many people still don't want to buy and appreciate local products, which in fact are products that have the potential to make the nation proud. The most common local brands usually consist of clothes, shoes, watches, and nowadays many perfumes are sold under the name of local brands.

One example of a local Indonesian shoe brand that is starting to develop at this time is Compass. This local brand comes from the city of Bandung, West Java, which is well known, indeed the city of Bandung is famous for its local brand fashion industry. One proof that local Indonesian brands are valued is the use of these products by several Indonesian artists and ministers. Compass is one example where this local brand has been used by the minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir. 

As well as being used for personal satisfaction, Erick Thohir is also proud to promote a local brand, which is actually made by the nation's children. Many people think that local shoe brands are made abroad. Even though the brand is originally made locally. Not only that, this local brand is also very much in demand, especially millennial children. 

It is proven that at events or when there is the launch of the latest shoe models from Compass, it can always attract a lot of attention among young people. No half-hearted, many even queued for a very long duration just to buy shoes made by the nation's children. The online order or pre-order system also often runs out in just a few moments, causing a jockey phenomenon to order these shoes. 

The reason these shoes are sold in just a few hours is due to their unique and contemporary designs as well as the combination of classic and modern styles with the availability of very diverse colors so it's no wonder that consumer demand for these locally made shoes is very high, especially millennials today. 

As well as the types that are very liked and in demand by many people, especially millennials, namely Gazelle Hi, Gazelle Low, and also Vintage, which is a very limited edition. Moreover, this Compass shoe is one of the brands most sought after by millennials, what's more, the quality of this local brand is not inferior to products made in foreign countries and the price is also quite affordable. With the rise of these locally made shoes and the many collaborations that make Compass even more known and proud, because even more so, considering that this brand is made by the nation's children, so not if we as Indonesians are proud of these local brands.

Before consumers choose the service product they want to buy, there are 2 elements that influence their decision, namely the consumer's view of the brand in the market and the quality of the service product offered. This is the beginning of the formation of a brand, both a local brand and a foreign brand and can shape the development of the brand if practiced in a structured and orderly manner. 

The presence of a local brand in Indonesia is very influential on the wheels of the country's economy, if a product is offered with quality, up-to-date design, and affordable prices, it is not impossible to compete with other brands globally and can increase brand awareness. and represent their home country to the world. There are already thousands of Indonesian local brands that are still pioneering, but we often encounter unhealthy competition between fellow local brands in Indonesia, it's good if fellow local brand pioneers work together, unite voices, experiences, and innovation in an effort to prosper the nation the country and uphold the good name of a country that is able to compete on an international scale.

Category :art-culture
Author Website : Fashion that Has Great Potential in the Creative Industry

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