Movie Review Liar Liar, When Liars Cursed Become Honest People

Author : aplodernet1
Publish Date : 2021-02-27 00:00:00

Movie Review Liar Liar, When Liars Cursed Become Honest People

The film Liar Liar (1997) provides a story that can erase the frightening myths of honesty. While many films have put honest people in a dilemma, this film starring comedian Jim Carrey offers the opposite.

The film Liar Liar is a comedy film that tells the many twists and turns of a father named Fletcher, played by Jim Carrey. At the beginning of the storyline, this film already shows an intriguing impression to the audience.

Max Reede (Justin Cooper), Fletcher's only son, gets questions from teachers about his father's work. With a little cheer, Max replied, "My dad's a wild (My dad is a liar)"

Hearing these words, the teacher was very surprised. Max made a mistake. After further questioning, the teacher realized that Max meant to say that his father was a lawyer. The sounds 'wild' and 'lawyer' in English have similarities so that it is difficult to distinguish, especially since the speakers are children.

Fletcher's profession as a lawyer requires him to be busy dealing with various cases.

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This busy work makes his ex-wife Audrey (Maura Tierney) feel disappointed because he hardly ever takes the time to accompany Max. On the other hand, Fletcher often asked Audrey to tolerate it.

Fletcher is a shrewd lawyer with the tactics of winning cases in court. For adults, lying is not something that should be questioned as a moral mistake. Although he was accustomed to lying, the sincerity of Fletcher to love his son was honesty.

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However, for young children like Max, lying by Fletcher and adults is intolerable. Max just wants to play with his dad. The promise had to be kept, but Fletcher often broke it on the grounds of dodging.

Even when Max's birthday, Fletcher who promised to come to the celebration was absent and asked Audrey to explain as best he could to Max so as not to be disappointed. Unfortunately, Fletcher at that time attended something he was somewhat difficult to refuse, making love with his co-workers. That was part of his mistake and he managed to hide it.

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As usual in birthday celebrations, Max was asked to convey his wish. He was stunned sadly because his father was not there to accompany him. Audrey recognized Max's grieving mood and heartened his son.

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Max finally conveyed a hope that would change the course of Fletcher's life. He wanted his father not to lie all day long.

That wish was granted. Fletcher had a hard time telling lies. Whenever he said something that was deviant, his mouth chirped irregularly.

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Imagining Jim Carrey's character with strange facial expressions, cuteness comes out of the plot of this film .

Fletcher encountered major problems with this change. Being an honest person is like a curse against him who used to lie.

At the same time, she is accompanying her client Samantha, the housewife, who is suing her husband Richard Cole's large fortune, who had previously devised a diversion scenario.

Arrive on trial day. Fletcher, already confused with his transformation, was getting frustrated. The court's atmosphere became unfocused because Fletcher's attempts to lie always failed.

Samantha is increasingly pressed and confused by Fletcher's behavior. Instead, Fletcher exposed Samantha's depravity in court, witnessed by her husband and trial participants.

Fletcher realized he could no longer lie. He can only speak when he is telling the truth, telling the truth.

The only way, he must take advantage of the evidence and facts. He finally won the case.

However, there are things that make him conflicted with Samantha who asks for custody of her children. Fletcher remembers himself as having the only treasure in his life now, his son Max.

Meanwhile, outside the trial, Audrey, who had been deeply disappointed by the broken promise of Fletcher, decided to take Max to Boston to follow his new girlfriend Jerry who had just filed a proposal against him.

With a dramatic struggle, he finally met Max and Audrey.

Twenty-four hours had passed which meant the curse of honesty was lifted from Fletcher. He can continue to lie, but he doesn't.

The lies seem to make it easier for Fletcher to get what he wants while holding him hostage when faced with the truth.

In this film , the truth shown by Fletcher is not accentuated by appreciation or praise. What Fletcher got was finding his authenticity.

He is able to find faults, think about and correct them on his own accord without being pushed by a will outside himself.

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