Start your weight loss journey by properly ordering online grocery delivery in Karachi

Author : mubinfaisal
Publish Date : 2021-09-20 00:00:00

Start your weight loss journey by properly ordering online grocery delivery in Karachi

Weight loss is a tough nut to crack but it starts with visiting the best online grocery store in Pakistan and placing your order right.

A heads up though, this is not for the faint of heart. It is an uphill battle ridden with difficulties, mythical creatures and such mathematics that it can easily make you go bonkers. Okay maybe I am exaggerating a little but let me tell you this, your genes determine the process of your fat loss and a band aid fix won’t give you the perfect beach body you have been dreaming about. Your body metabolizes fat much like other nutrients and this normally happens when you consume food. You need to trick your body’s processes that are making it accumulate fat into starting to burn it down. The rite of passage starts from counting calories, but since my guess is that you are not a calculator, eventually you will need to give that up into a more sophisticated model. You will have to learn to keep your metabolism running at optimal speed and raise internal alarms when you notice it slowing down. You will also need to keep regulating your micro and macronutrient intake along with the calories, just to be sure that you don’t run yourself into a health risk.

Jaw-dropping tips for losing fat

According the WHO, over 20% Pakistanis are overweight and about 5% obese. The staggering stats should be enough to stop you from adding all those extra sugary processed foods and sodas to your online shopping carts (yes I am referring to those chocolate and biscuit spreads). Most people have some sort of prudent goals of improving their health and shedding those extra pounds. There are a number of common recommendations for anyone scouring the literature like get enough sleep, drink more water, eat more plants, etc. All those suggestions have a degree of truth to them but they are almost as vague as someone telling you to travel to the mountains and start looking for “inner peace”. Let me guide you to a few tips that I personally find more actionable so you are no longer alone in the dark with the wolves and you can at least see them coming.

Forget about hitting the spot

One major tip is that you should immediately give up trying to lose fat from specific spots because it is simply not going to work unless you go for something surgical, invasive or unhealthy (yes I mean liposuction and its modern counterparts). But what about all those people who only have excess fat around their things, arms, waistline or butt? Well, they are in a pickle to say the least. Unfortunately, all those exercises that target spot reduction or fat loss from specific areas are not going to reap the benefits they are looking for. A much better approach is to go for a complete body workout routine and tone up all muscle groups.

Pros recommend more Protein

Any discussion on increasing muscle and burning fat is incomplete without talking about protein. Foods that are high in protein provide a great way to lose appetite and burn your fats. Research indicates that including quality protein and lean meats in your daily diet is associated with belly fat reduction and increase in muscle mass. High protein diet also helps you feel full, it decreases your calorie intake and improves metabolism. For a high protein diet you can pick foods like eggs, fish, legumes, dairy products and lean meats. If you have trouble finding supplies for a high protein diet in the nearby grocery store you can always buy groceries online in Karachi.

Say adieu to the old school ways

Most people hate those long sessions of cardiovascular exercises that drain you to the point that you end up binge eating later on and ruining all the effort. It is preferable to go for strength workout, a balanced diet and interval training to keep advancing on your fat loss journey in a consistent manner. Long stretches of cardio work in the short term for fat reduction but since metabolism and lean body mass don’t increase as much your results remain constrained.

Another pro tip is to amp up the game on your fiber intake. According to research, you can lose up to 3.7% fat while reducing calorie intake by about 10% with only an increase of 10 grams fiber. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains are some common foods that help you increase fiber in your daily diet. It helps ease your digestion, while passing through the digestive tract absorbs water and makes you feel full for a long time. The two types of fiber are soluble and insoluble fiber – the former is a treat for your gut bacteria and the latter acts as a bulking agent for your stool.

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