Health Benefits of Boat Pose or Naukasana

Publish Date : 2021-12-14 00:00:00

Health Benefits of Boat Pose or Naukasana

When you live a very hectic life running around with your 24*7 job in addition to your daily duties and chores, it becomes tough to keep an eye on your health. All stress in your life can lead the way to depression, and this is the reason we need some destressing and rejuvenation.

Can something be better than rejuvenating yourself with some yoga? Yoga is proved to be beneficial not only for your mental well-being but also your whole health.

The most crucial advantage of practicing yoga is mental and physical development, along with some spiritual growth. Yoga assists your body to revitalize and makes it more effective and healthy.

There are several poses in yoga that are highly efficient helps your body in numerous ways. Among all these poses, Naukasana or the boat pose is one of the best postures.

Naukasana is an amalgamation of two Sanskrit words that is Nauka which means boat, and asana, which means posture. It is a kind of posture in which your body adopts the pose of a boat. If you face a problem in losing your belly fat, then this asana is best that assists you in losing your belly fat rapidly and tons your abs.

Naukasana is one of the poses that you can perform by lying both on your stomach and on your back. When you lie on your stomach, it is called prone position, and when you lie on your back, it’s called supine position.

Beginners might find it challenging to perform Naukasana. But do not get disheartened, you will improve with more and more practice. You can even ace for doing some of the advanced poses.

This asana assists you in strengthening the core of your abdomen along with the back muscles. Try to focus on strengthening your rear position instead of attempting to position your legs high. The focus should be on your back and ensure your knees and waist is straight.

Here is a step by step guide for doing Naukasana:

  • At first, lie down flat on your yoga mat, keeping your feet all together and with your arms on sides.
  • Now keep your arms straight, and your fingers stretched in the direction of your toes.
  • Now inhale and when you exhale, lift your chest as well as feet off from the ground. Stretch your arms towards your feet. You should feel the pressure on your stomach when your abdominal muscles start contracting.
  • Allow the entire body weight to rest entirely on the buttocks. Ensure that your eyes, toes as well as fingers are all in one line. Keep your breath on hold and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • Now start exhaling slowly when you bring down your body to the initial position and then relax. You can do 3-4 repetitions and never overdo.

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Now let’s see what the benefits you get by doing Naukasana are?

  • Naukasana helps in strengthening your abdominal muscles.
  • It makes the muscles of your arms, thighs as well as shoulders strong.
  • It enhances the health of those organs in the abdomen.
  • It assists in the proper regulation of blood flow with the maintenance of sugar levels.
  • It reinforces the neck, legs, and shoulder muscles.
  • Because of the stretching, compression, and relaxation of your abdominal region, this asana is a perfect way of burning your belly fat.
  • The stimulation while doing these poses that assist in improving and regulating your digestion.
  • It behaves as a distress tool that keeps your mind completely free as well a peaceful.

For advanced yoga teacher training courses, you can check this course out: 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.


Asthama and heart patients should not practice Naukasana. Along with that person having low blood pressure, migraine must avoid Naukasana.

People who have some chronic diseases along with spinal disorders must avoid these practices.

Women must avoid this at the time of pregnancy and also during the first two days of menstruation.

People who are having a hernia must avoid his pose.

People having pain because of the hip joint along with arthritis must avoid this posture.

People suffering from diarrhea, insomnia, and neck injuries also should avoid practicing it.


It might be one of the problematic postures for performing, especially for those who have just started learning yoga. But that will not stay for a long time. With regular practice, it is easy to perform this pose.

Thus, we can say that yoga is like a boon for the whole of mankind in those modern times where everyone’s physical, spiritual and mental levels are deteriorating. Naukasana is a yoga position where you have to assume the boat shape and is the best health practice.

Right from losing some extra pounds to waking up your core to strengthening your back muscles, Naukasana has several variations, in all of which you can quickly gather benefits.

Practice Naukasana and generate a healthy body, mind, and soul!

For Online Course: Online Yoga Teacher Training Course 

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