Get Know Process of unmarried certificate in Pakistan By Best Lawyer

Author : uxarhawking
Publish Date : 2021-07-09 00:00:00

Get Know Process of unmarried certificate in Pakistan By Best Lawyer

Statement on unmarried certificate in Pakistan:

To get unmarried certificate in Pakistan through law firm in Lahore with a legal statement please contact Nazia Law Associates. Islam emphasis on democracy is clear from the discussion in this blog. It is also an incontrovertible fact that human rights are best enjoyed in a democratic set-up requiring unmarried certificate in Pakistan through law firm in Lahore. Two extremely different groups, one from the West and one from the Muslim World, have, for entirely different reasons, been arguing vehemently that Islam and Democracy are incompatible.

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Some Western scholars and ideologues misrepresent Islam as anti-democratic and inherently authoritarian. They have tried to prove that Islam as a set of values is inferior to Western liberalism and is indeed a barrier to civilization's global progress. They further argue that Islam, far from promoting constitutional democracy, advocates "theocracy." It is, therefore, suitable to address this issue and assess the validity of this statement, specifically addressing the issue of whether Islam advocates theocracy and the establishment of a theocratic State.

 "Theocracy" has been defined as a country with a government system by the priests or a priestly class in which the laws of the state are thought to be the laws of God. We have already examined the question of nature and the form of government in Islam which requires unmarried certificate in Pakistan through law firm in Lahore. It is evident from that study that Islam, far from proposing "theocracy," emphasizes the principle that governing the State is the people's collective affair.

The Quran also emphasizes the collective will of the people in the affairs of the State. This directive of the Quran clearly requires the Muslim state to implement a government system based on 'mutual consultation. 

This directive for unmarried certificate in Pakistan through law firm in Lahore, in itself, is clear evidence of the truth that in the Muslim State, the proposed system of government, in its essence, is quite different from that of 'theocracy.' The Islamic government is based on Quranic teachings and values.

There are inherent differences in the arguments of those countries, mostly from the West, who present the Islamic views In such a way as to suit their own political ends. On the one hand, they talk about democracy, but on the other hand, they, by their dictatorial actions, negate the will and aspirations of the entire nation reflected through elections. The West's action in Algeria is a typical example where a government elected by the people was not allowed to function as it was not to the West's liking.

 Islam stands for the establishment of an Islamic State by the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH), a State which strives to meet the demands of social justice, and where Islamic law is enforced in its entirety does not require unmarried certificate in Pakistan through law firm in Lahore. As for theocracy, as already stated there is no such concept where some people, belonging to a particular class that claims to know Allah's will and thereby attain His pleasure, exercise an exclusive hold over the State's affairs.

If all the criteria necessary for a democratic governmental set up in a State are present, then the next thing to be determined is the nature and extent of those rights including khula procedure for overseas Pakistani and maintenance of children in Pakistan. In present times the Constitution determines the governmental set up of a State, which clearly enumerates the rights and the means of their enforcement.

The rights of the individuals contained therein, and the means available to the citizens for their implementation, would determine the State's nature, i.e., whether it is a democratic State or a dictatorship.  If based on Islamic principles, an Islamic constitution would be as democratic as in any Western country with strong democratic traditions regarding khula procedure for overseas Pakistani and maintenance of children in Pakistan. Islam's political system is based on the three principles, namely, Tawhid (oneness of God), Risalah (Prophethood), and Khilafah (Caliph or the ruler).

It may prove useful in understanding both the concept of an Islamic State and Islam's concept of democracy if each of the above principles is explained in some detail.  Tawhid means that there is only one God (Allah), and He alone is the Creator, Sustainer, and Master of the universe and all that exists in Heaven and the Earth. He alone is entitled to be worshipped. 

Hence regarding khula procedure for overseas Pakistani and maintenance of children in Pakistan it is not for mortals like us to decide the purpose of our existence or emplace the limits of our worldly authority; nor has any individual the right to make decisions for others. God alone is the Ruler, and His words constitute the law of Islam.  Risalah means the medium through which we receive the Law of God Almighty.

Through this source, we have received two things, namely, the Qur'an, which contains the Ordinances of God and the Sunnah or the authoritative interpretation and elaboration of those Ordinances through the medium of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), by his words and deeds, in his capacity as the representative of God

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