Today, more and more people are competently approaching their lifestyle and are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of their own health. Every day, sometimes without even noticing it, we are exposed to many different factors that negatively affect our internal and external physical condition.
And if a car in space is no longer a fantasy, but our current reality, then the desire to be forever young and healthy is still out of this opera. There is no "magic formula" or "magic recipe" that will help us always stay in our prime. However, this does not mean that we do not have the opportunity to reduce the damage that our body regularly experiences due to a number of external factors and natural age-related changes. Science is progressing and giving us more and more products aimed at supporting, caring, rejuvenating and improving the condition of our skin and overall health.
One such clear example of the evolution of technology is collagen, which plays a big role in supporting our health and beauty.
Collagen is a high molecular weight protein that forms the basis of the connective tissue of our body, providing its strength, firmness and elasticity. It is responsible for the flexibility and strength of bones, joints, skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, hair, nails, blood vessels, mucous membranes and other body tissues.
It is the main protein in the human body and is also called the beauty protein. It performs many important functions, the key of which is structural - both at the skin level (protective barrier) and in the joints. It makes up one third of all proteins in the body and three quarters of the dry weight of the skin.
Under the influence of certain factors (for example, increased physical activity), collagen is destroyed in tissues, as a result of which they become weakened and may be susceptible to injuries and diseases associated with fragility of joints and bones.
Also, with age, the natural production of protein in the body slows down. That is why it is recommended for mature and elderly people, athletes and those who are concerned about problems with joints, cartilage and tendons to use collagen as a supplement, since the protein obtained from food and produced by the body itself is often not enough. Collagen intake is additionally positively reflected in health - from reducing joint pain to improving the structure and appearance of the skin.
Facial collagen . It provides powerful support for the skin, provides a rejuvenating and regenerating effect. As a result of taking collagen, the general condition of the skin of the face improves, it becomes elastic and toned. There is also an opinion that collagen supplements are helpful in preventing acne and other skin conditions, but this is not supported by scientific evidence.
Collagen for hair and nails . Reception of collagen helps to strengthen nails and hair, prevents their fragility and loss. It can also stimulate hair and nail growth.
Collagen for weight loss . Some nutritionists believe that taking collagen supplements can help promote weight loss, boost metabolism, and balance hormone levels. However, this has not been scientifically proven. As with the previous point, the role of collagen supplementation in improving brain health and youthfulness has not been researched, however, some people claim that they experience improved mood and reduced anxiety symptoms as a result of collagen supplementation.
It is worth noting that some of these points are rather promising and only speak about the potential effect of collagen on certain aspects of our health. For a clear statement, it is necessary to conduct appropriate studies before drawing objective conclusions.
There are at least 28 different types of collagen in nature. However, 80-90% of this protein in the body consists of types I, II and III. The first is aimed at strengthening bones, the second is the main protein in cartilage, and the third is found in the mesh tissue of the intestinal wall, muscles and blood vessels. There is also type V, which can be found in the hair and placenta. If we talk about the types of collagen, there are such varieties:
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