Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.
Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police official said on Friday. The matter came to light when a video showing them dancing to music on the roof of six cars moving close by went viral on social media, he added. "Vipin Venugopal Nayar (23), Mushir Abid Sheikh (30), Myalvin Manshiram Warthi (22), Aslan Baig (21), Shahnawaz Mohd Qureshi (21), Hasan Bashir Sheikh (22) and Imran Ashgar Ansari (26) have been arrested," he said.Nagpur: Seven people were arrested for dancing atop moving cars in Sadar area of Nagpur, a police off
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