New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."
New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour meeting and hosting him on our show. Thank you, Pankaj Kapur sir for gracing our show with your presence. Your great fan."New Delhi: Pankaj Kapur has a huge fan base across the country. The recipient of several accolades continues to shine bright. The veteran actor will soon make an appearance alongside his son, actor Shahid Kapoor in the film Jersey. And, we can't wait to see Pankaj Kapur on the silver screen again. Well, we want you to take a look at someone who can't help but fanboy Pankaj Kapur. Who? It's Kapil Sharma. The comedian has dropped a selfie with Pankaj Kapur on Instagram. The pic was clicked on the sets of Kapil Sharma's talk show. The caption read, "Have grown up watching his tv serials and movies, what a versatile actor and a great human. It was an honour
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