New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unending. Stride forth and make as many smile as you can." He signed off the post with these words: "Now let there be Light. Camera and action. Signed another actor." Sharing his memories of the Archies comics, Shah Rukh Khan wrote: "From renting the Archie's Digest for 25 paise per day from book rental stores to see Zoya Akhtar make this come alive on screen. is just incredible. Wishing all the little ones the best as they take their first little steps into the most beautiful of professions."
New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan curated the best set of words and poured his heart out in his recent Instagram entries, which he wrote for daughter Suhana Khan, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. SRK wrote: "And remember Suhana Khan you are never going to be perfect. But being yourself is the closest to that. Be kind and giving as an actor. The brickbats and applause is not yours to keep. the part of you that gets left behind on screen will always belong to you...You have come a long way baby. but the road to peoples heart is unendi
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