Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.
Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) made a clean sweep in Punjab after winning 92 of the 117 Assembly seats. The thumping victory meant that AAP could get all five Rajya Sabha seats for which biennial elections were announced last month. Notably, March 21 was the last day of filing nominations. Among the nominees were former cricketer Harbhajan Singh, senior party leader Raghav Chadha, IIT professor Sandeep Pathak, educationist Ashok Kumar Mittal, and industrialist Sanjeev Arora. As on date, all of them stand unopposed. According to Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab, four candidates received their certificate themselves, while former cricketer turned politician Harbhajan Singh's certificate was received by his authorised representative Gulzar Inder Chahal.Chandigarh: All five Punjab Rajya Sabha candidates, who were elected unopposed on Thursday, secured their certificates on Friday. The Aam
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