Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.
Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near her head when Virat grabbed the ball. In other viral pictures, Virat can be seen sharing eye contact with Anushka gesturing the victory sign through his hand while Anushka is seen smiling.Anushka Sharma was left amazed after her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli grabbed a catch one-handedly during the latest Indian Premier League match between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Delhi Capitals on Saturday at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. In the viral images surfacing on social media platforms, Anushka can be seen with her hands near
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