Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.
Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still working on a new HomePod device which could also feature Siri, Apple TV, and FaceTime camera functionality. According to a recent report, a standalone HomePod might not be part of Apple's plans, but a HomePod mini with these features could still be in development. The Cupertino-based company has also not revealed any plans for a new multi-function smart device, and not much is known about its design yet either. This rumoured device is believed to have been under development since early 2021. This alleged information comes from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, who in his weekly Power On newsletter suggests that Apple is still working on a new HomePod device with extended functionality, rather than a simple successor to the original HomePod smart speaker. The purported new device could also incorporate the video streaming and gaming capabilities of the Apple TV box, as well as a camera for FaceTime video calls. Of course, Apple could still add or remove key features from this upcoming smart speaker before it is eventually released, or cancel it entirely.Apple is said to be still workin
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