Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann who is in the national capital will meet Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday to discuss the scheme of providing free electricity in Punjab for up to 300 units, informed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) sources. Punjab Chief Minister also met President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Delhi today. "AAP leader and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann to meet President Ram Nath Kovind and Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu today, followed by Aam Admi Party chief and Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, in Delhi. He will hold a discussion over the free electricity scheme with Delhi CM, today," sources said. It further said, "Bhagwant Mann will hold discussions with party chief Arvind Kejriwal over the implementation of 300 units of free electricity in Punjab as he comes to Delhi."Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant M
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