Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.
Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around 11 am at the Sharda Nagar area, a senior official said.Mumbai: A builder was shot dead right outside his home by two motorbike-borne men in Maharashtra's Nanded city on Tuesday, the police said. The chilling murder was caught on CCTV. In the video, the builder Sanjay Biyani is seen getting out of his SUV and was about to enter his home. Right then, two men, wearing caps and dressed in black, arrived on a bike and shot the man at point-blank range. They then fled the scene on their motorbike leaving the builder lying motionless on the road. The attack took place at around
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