Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.
Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case. Following this, judge D P Singhade had sent a similar letter of request to the special NIA court.Mumbai: Two special courts in Mumbai on Friday granted CBI the custody of former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, his two aides and dismissed police officer Sachin Waze for investigation in a corruption case registered against them. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Mr Deshmukh (71) and his aides Sanjeev Palande and Kundan Shinde are currently in judicial custody in a money laundering case being probed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). They are lodged in the Arthtur Road jail in the city. The Central Bureau of Investigation had filed an application before additional sessions judge D P Singhade for their custody. The judge on Thursday issued a letter of request to the special Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) court, which hears ED cases, to transfer Mr Deshmukh and the other two to the custody of the CBI. The CBI had also sought the custody of Sachin Waze. Mr Waze was arrested in March 2021 by the National Investigation Agency
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