Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.
Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced to pay crores of rupees to get a posting.Bengaluru: Days after joining the Aam Aadmi Party, former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao has expressed apprehension that cases may be registered against him or raids against him may be conducted. "Tomorrow, some cases may be registered against me or raids against me conducted. I am ready to face them," Mr Rao told reporters here on Wednesday. He said the AAP chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal too had to face many such hardships initially. "Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has done many sacrifices. He faced many challenges. Whoever treads on the path of reform in society faces many a challenge. I take a vow to eradicate corruption from Karnataka. I stand in favour of a clean administration in Delhi," Mr Rao said. Speaking about corruption in the department he was once part of, he said he did not have powers to even appoint an officer of his choice. Alleging rampant corruption in Karnataka, he said officers are forced t
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