New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.
New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national capital had recorded a maximum temperature of 38.3 degrees Celsius, the highest so far this year, on Sunday. Delhi has recorded a sharp rise in the maximum temperature over the last 10 to 12 days, with the mercury nearing 40 degrees Celsius at the Sports Complex station and Pitampura on Sunday.New Delhi: Delhi on Wednesday recorded a maximum temperature of 35.7 degrees Celsius, five notches above the season's average. The minimum temperature was recorded at 18.6 degrees Celsius. The humidity levels oscillated between 25 per cent and 83 per cent. The weatherman has forecast a clear sky for Thursday with the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to hover around 36 degrees Celsius and 19 degrees Celsius respectively. On Tuesday, the city had recorded a slight decrease in the maximum temperature (34.6 degrees Celsius) owing to strong winds during the day. The national c
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