ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.
ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first child with Anand Ahuja. Sonam Kapoor made her acting debut with Saawariya, which also starred Rani Mukerji in key role.ew Delhi: On Friday, mom-to-be Sonam Kapoor met her "favourite actress" Rani Mukerji. The two are celebrating 20 years of friendship. Sharing photos with Rani, Sonam Kapoor wrote, "A friendship that's lasted 20 years. Love you, Rani. Also belated happy birthday to my favourite actress." In the photos, Sonam is dressed in a white top and styled her hair in a braided bun. Rani, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a blue satin top. For the unversed, Rani Mukerji celebrated her birthday on March 21, the day, Sonam Kapoor announced that she is expecting her first chil
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