New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.
New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sold pre-activated SIM cards to the gang and one of it was used to create the fake WhatsApp account by using Mr Birla's picture available in public domain, parliamentary sources aware of the development had said.New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla's office on Wednesday said a fake WhatsApp account was created in his name and the matter has been reported to authorities concerned. "Some miscreants have created fake account in my name with profile photo and sending messages to MPs and others from nos. 7862092008, 9480918183 9439073870. Matter has been reported to authorities concerned. Plz ignore calls/messages from these & other numbers & inform my office," the Speaker tweeted. The Odisha Police has arrested three people in the state for their alleged links with cyber criminals who created the fake WhatsApp identity of the Lok Sabha Speaker. The trio had sol
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