Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.
Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from Hyderabad. “Information was received by the Crime Branch that a person named Hafiz Syed Bilal was involved in prostitution activities and accordingly a trap was laid,” the police said.Panaji: The Goa Crime Branch on Friday said it has arrested a Hyderabad-based man and rescued three women, including a television actress, after busting a prostitution racket at Sangolda village near Panaji. A press release issued by the Crime Branch said two of the rescued women, including the TV actress, are from Virar near Mumbai, while the third one hails from
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