Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.
Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, and can identify available toll-free routes. Google Maps for iOS has also been updated with a pinned widget on the Home Screen, as well as direct navigation from an Apple Watch. The company has also announced that an upcoming update will bring Siri and Shortcuts integration with Google Maps on iOS, arriving later this year. In an announcement on Tuesday, Google revealed that users in India, Indonesia, Japan and the US will be able to access toll prices on the Google Maps app, later this month. Users will have access to estimated toll pricing before they begin their trip, and the company says that the toll prices feature will rely on information from local tolling authorities. Google says that support for the toll prices feature in other countries is “coming soon”.Google Maps on Tuesday announced a set of features that will roll out to users in select countries, including India. The service will allow users to check estimated toll prices before a trip begins, a
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