New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."
New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is so fantastic."New Delhi: AR Rahman's son AR Ameen had the time of his life at this year's Grammy Awards, pictures from which he shared on his Instagram profile. During the awards, AR Ameen also met popular K-pop band BTS, which counts Suga, Jin, J-Hope, RM, Jimin, V, and Jungkook among its members. AR Ameen, posting a few pictures with BTS members, wrote in his caption: "Grammy #bts #btsarmy #btsgrammy #btsgrammy2022." The pictures were flooded with purple heart emojis. Armaan Malik dropped purple hearts in the comments too. "OMG how does it feel to meet BTS?" an Instagram user asked. "Collab is needed please," added another. Another comment read: "This is s
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