Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.
Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has also shared a small video on the Chinese microblogging website teasing that the smartwatch will offer water resistance for up to 30 metres. Furthermore, He Gang, COO of Huawei CBG, said in a post on Weibo that Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro will be the first smartwatch of the company to support the free diving feature. Huawei is also set to launch the Mate Xs 2 foldable smartphone on April 28. As mentioned, Huawei posted a small video on Weibo that shows a person swimming, and a depth bar on the left side of the screen depicting the depth the person is treading underwater. The video hints that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro smartwatch will support diving at a depth of 30 metres. Furthermore, ITHome reports that a top executive of the Chinese company has shared an image on Weibo which delves out more details regarding the eater resistance of the wearable. Citing the executive, the report says that the Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro is rated IP68 for dust and water resistance, and gets a 5ATM. The executive claims that the watch has undergone “200 rounds of pressurised waterproof test cycles to achieve diving-level waterproof performance” (translated). Additionally, Huawei claims that the smartwatch will come with diving equipment engineering standard EN13319, and can support free diving at a maximum depth of 30 metres in the ocean.Huawei Watch GT 3 Pro launch has been set for April 28 in China at 7pm local time (4:30pm IST), as per a post by the company on Weibo. Huawei has al
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