Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.
Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to interact with her fans. And to her surprise, the fans asked her to choose between the two talented actors. However, not falling into the trap, the actress played smartly and gave an interesting answer. Sharing a collage picture of herself with Ranbir and Ranveer, she wrote, "I love both". In the first picture, the cousin duo is looking uber cool in casual outfits. In the second picture, Karisma Kapoor and Ranveer Singh are twinning in black outfits- the actress can be seen in a black bling dress, while Ranveer is looking dapper in a tuxedo.Karisma Kapoor has picked her favourite between her cousin Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The veteran actress recently conducted a Question and Answer round on her Instagram to int
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