New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"
New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy News!!! Congratulations!! And God Bless!!!"New Delhi: Congratulations are in order as Dheeraj Dhoopar and his wife Vinny Arora are expecting their first child. They shared dreamy photos and announced the happy news. Dheeraj and Vinny wrote, "We're expecting, a tiny miracle. August 2022," followed by a black heart emoji. In the first photo, Vinny and Dheeraj are sharing a sweet lip lock and the mom-to-be is holding pictures of her sonography. In the second photo, Dheeraj is holding Vinny from the back and they are posing for the camera. Several celebrities wished the couple. Mohit Malik wrote, "Great news Loads of love." "Congratulations," wrote Keerti Kelkar. Ruslaan Mumtaz commented, "Wow, great news guys. Loads of love. congratulations." Ridhi Dogra wrote, "Yippeeeeeee!! Loveeee youuuu both Sorry threeeeee." Kishwer Merchantt wrote, "I had a feeling, don't know why congratulations. same month btw." "Congratulations guys. God blesss u guys with all the happiness," commented Suyash Rai. Dheeraj Dhoopar's Kundali Bhagya's co-star Shraddha Arya wrote, "Wowwwww Yayyyy!!! Such Happy New
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