The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.
The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the price band of ₹ 902-949, with the government likely to give a ₹ 60 discount to policyholders and a ₹ 45 discount for retail investors and employees, the sources added. On Saturday, the LIC board approved a cut in its IPO issue size to 3.5 per cent from 5 per cent, sources had said. The government is now expected to sell 3.5 per cent of its stake in LIC for ₹ 21,000 crore.The Life Insurance Corporation's (LIC) public issue offer, India's biggest, will open on May 2 for the publi, and on May 4 to May 9 for investors, according to government sources. The issue is likely to open for subscription on May 4 and is expected to close on May 9. Anchor investors can subscribe to the shares of the insurance company on May 2. The insurance behemoth's long-awaited initial public offering (IPO) will be in the pr
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