The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.
The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming response to the auction which means it's almost as expensive as buying the real Thar. But that makes sense, since the NFT is truly one of a kind,” said Mahindra on Twitter. The tweet accompanied an image of the vehicle. The message on it read, “The master of the NFT universe stands tall at a super bid of ₹ 11 lakh.The Mahindra Group entered the world of NFTs, earlier this week, with its set of non-fungible tokens based on its flagship vehicle Thar. Within days, one of the digital pieces was sold for a record ₹ 11 lakh. The group's chairman Anand Mahindra has described the response to Thar NFT as “overwhelming”. The company said that all proceeds from the auction will go to Project Nanhi Kali - to support the education of underprivileged girls in India. “An overwhelming
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