Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.
Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant labourers, said S Vineeth, Trippur District Collector on Sunday. The police and Tiruppur administration of Tamil Nadu also conducted a meeting with representatives of business and industry associations and migrant workers over the issue of alleged attacks on migrants. The Tiruppur district administration reached out to 30,000 migrant workers or guest workers who are working in the state. Speaking to ANI, Tiruppur DC said, "A team of officials from the Bihar Government visited Tiruppur today. They have discussed with all the stakeholders including the association members, labour association and other unions." The Collector further said that they have shown how fake news has circulated in media and what steps the Tiruppur administration has taken to see that people don't panic.Trippur: Migrant labourers are leaving Tamil Nadu because of the Holi festival and also the rumours of attacks on migrant
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