Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.
Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people will take account of it. They will not tolerate the MVA (Maha Vikas Aghadi) government's atrocities for long," he said.Mumbai: After the Shiv Sena chief's warning on "dadagiri" following the arrest of Lok Sabha MP Navneet Rana and her husband and MLA Ravi Rana, the BJP has asked Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray if those who recite Hanuman Chalisa do "dadagiri". BJP's Maharashtra in-charge CT Ravi came down heavily on Mr Thackeray over his remarks and said Shiv Sena does not have the morality to talk about Hindutva. "MP Navneet Rana came alone to recite Hanuman Chalisa and not to do dadagiri (hooliganism). They imposed sedition charges against them. Nawab Malik, who is facing serious charges, is actually a traitor who is still in the Cabinet. Does Uddhav Thackeray consider the charges against him? Had he done it, Nawab Malik would not be in the cabinet anymore," Mr Ravi said. Mr Ravi drew a comparison between Bal Thackeray's Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena while terming the latter as a "robbers' gang". "Today's Shiv Sena is not what used to be during Bal Thackeray's time. Today's Shiv Sena is an opportunist. They lead the robbers' gang. In Maharashtra, every day we come to know of a new scam. One day, the common people wil
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