New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.
New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only close friends and family were invited. Sabyasachi was the official wedding couturier for the couple.New Delhi: Newlyweds Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt thrilled their fans and the media by posing for pictures at Vastu, the Mumbai apartment complex where they got married on Friday afternoon. "Ranbir and Alia will pose for pictures after 7 pm today. Only one camera from each publication will be allowed," Yusuf Ibrahim, Alia's security in-charge, briefed the media this afternoon. Ranbir and Alia married in a private ceremony at Vastu, where they live. The wedding began at about 3 pm and ended around 5.30 pm. Only cl
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