Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."
Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hijabs inside classrooms in the state, on Thursday appealed to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to allow a section of students to appear for second pre-university examinations beginning on April 22, wearing headscarves. In a tweet to the CM, she said, "You still have a chance to stop our future from getting ruined. You can make a decision to allow us to write exams wearing hijab. Please consider this. We are the future of this country."Mangaluru: A Muslim girl student, who approached the Karnataka High Court to revoke the ban on hij
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