Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.
Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said on Saturday. The accused are based in Pune, said an official of Ajni police station, adding that no arrest has been made so far. Rajesh Lanjewar (51), who is a teacher, received a text message three months ago which offered to facilitate MBBS admissions, he told police. When he contacted the accused, they asked him to pay ₹ 21 lakh for a seat in a medical college for his daughter in Nashik or Jalgaon.Nagpur: A Nagpur resident was allegedly cheated of ₹ 21 lakh by four persons by offering to secure admission to medical college for his daughter, police said o
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