Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links with billionaire Gautam Adani, saying the statements were "misleading, derogatory and indecent". Here are LIVE updates from parliament:Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to reply to the motion of thanks on the President's address in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday. The Lok Sabha has allocated a time of over 12 hours to discuss President's Address. Earlier today, BJP MP Nishikant Dubey called for action against Rahul Gandhi for his attack on PM Modi Prime in parliament, over his links wit
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