Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday strongly recommended to the Tamil Nadu government to provide a specified percentage of special reservation for the Transgenders/Third Genders (TGs) in future public employments, apart from other relaxations and concessions extended to the socially and economically backward classes. Justice MS Ramesh made the recommendation while allowing a batch of writ petitions from Saratha, a TG and seven others. The judge also made a case for the government to provide relaxations in the physical measurement, endurance and physical efficiency tests for the TGs, who identify themselves as 'male' or 'Third Gender' on par with the concessions extended to women candidates and other socially and economically backward classes. While granting any reservation, concessions and relaxations to the TGs, the State government shall take into account the ratio adopted for granting similar privileges to the other socially and economically backward classes and adopt a similar method for determining these privileges for the TGs, the judge said. The petitioners submitted that the concessions and relaxations extended to them in the common recruitment processes for the posts of Grade-II constables and the like for 2017-18, 2019 and 2020, which were conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB), are inadequate and inconsistent with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and this Court and the same amounted to hostile discrimination.
Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday strongly recommended to the Tamil Nadu government to provide a specified percentage of special reservation for the Transgenders/Third Genders (TGs) in future public employments, apart from other relaxations and concessions extended to the socially and economically backward classes. Justice MS Ramesh made the recommendation while allowing a batch of writ petitions from Saratha, a TG and seven others. The judge also made a case for the government to provide relaxations in the physical measurement, endurance and physical efficiency tests for the TGs, who identify themselves as 'male' or 'Third Gender' on par with the concessions extended to women candidates and other socially and economically backward classes. While granting any reservation, concessions and relaxations to the TGs, the State government shall take into account the ratio adopted for granting similar privileges to the other socially and economically backward classes and adopt a similar method for determining these privileges for the TGs, the judge said. The petitioners submitted that the concessions and relaxations extended to them in the common recruitment processes for the posts of Grade-II constables and the like for 2017-18, 2019 and 2020, which were conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB), are inadequate and inconsistent with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and this Court and the same amounted to hostile discrimination.
Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday strongly recommended to the Tamil Nadu government to provide a specified percentage of special reservation for the Transgenders/Third Genders (TGs) in future public employments, apart from other relaxations and concessions extended to the socially and economically backward classes. Justice MS Ramesh made the recommendation while allowing a batch of writ petitions from Saratha, a TG and seven others. The judge also made a case for the government to provide relaxations in the physical measurement, endurance and physical efficiency tests for the TGs, who identify themselves as 'male' or 'Third Gender' on par with the concessions extended to women candidates and other socially and economically backward classes. While granting any reservation, concessions and relaxations to the TGs, the State government shall take into account the ratio adopted for granting similar privileges to the other socially and economically backward classes and adopt a similar method for determining these privileges for the TGs, the judge said. The petitioners submitted that the concessions and relaxations extended to them in the common recruitment processes for the posts of Grade-II constables and the like for 2017-18, 2019 and 2020, which were conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB), are inadequate and inconsistent with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and this Court and the same amounted to hostile discrimination.
Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday strongly recommended to the Tamil Nadu government to provide a specified percentage of special reservation for the Transgenders/Third Genders (TGs) in future public employments, apart from other relaxations and concessions extended to the socially and economically backward classes. Justice MS Ramesh made the recommendation while allowing a batch of writ petitions from Saratha, a TG and seven others. The judge also made a case for the government to provide relaxations in the physical measurement, endurance and physical efficiency tests for the TGs, who identify themselves as 'male' or 'Third Gender' on par with the concessions extended to women candidates and other socially and economically backward classes. While granting any reservation, concessions and relaxations to the TGs, the State government shall take into account the ratio adopted for granting similar privileges to the other socially and economically backward classes and adopt a similar method for determining these privileges for the TGs, the judge said. The petitioners submitted that the concessions and relaxations extended to them in the common recruitment processes for the posts of Grade-II constables and the like for 2017-18, 2019 and 2020, which were conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB), are inadequate and inconsistent with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and this Court and the same amounted to hostile discrimination.
Chennai: The Madras High Court on Wednesday strongly recommended to the Tamil Nadu government to provide a specified percentage of special reservation for the Transgenders/Third Genders (TGs) in future public employments, apart from other relaxations and concessions extended to the socially and economically backward classes. Justice MS Ramesh made the recommendation while allowing a batch of writ petitions from Saratha, a TG and seven others. The judge also made a case for the government to provide relaxations in the physical measurement, endurance and physical efficiency tests for the TGs, who identify themselves as 'male' or 'Third Gender' on par with the concessions extended to women candidates and other socially and economically backward classes. While granting any reservation, concessions and relaxations to the TGs, the State government shall take into account the ratio adopted for granting similar privileges to the other socially and economically backward classes and adopt a similar method for determining these privileges for the TGs, the judge said. The petitioners submitted that the concessions and relaxations extended to them in the common recruitment processes for the posts of Grade-II constables and the like for 2017-18, 2019 and 2020, which were conducted by the Tamil Nadu Uniform Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB), are inadequate and inconsistent with the orders passed by the Supreme Court and this Court and the same amounted to hostile discrimination.
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