Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
Jaipur: A 27-year-old woman with criminal antecedents was arrested from Rajasthan's Nagaur on Thursday after she posted pictures of her firing bullets on social media. The accused Kamla Chaudhary had posted the video on social media on Wednesday. In a live chat a couple of days ago, she had announced that she consumed ecstasy, a banned substance, and dared the police to take action against her. Based on the video in which she is seen opening fire with a weapon, a case under the Arms Act and Information Technology Act was registered at Kotwali police station on Wednesday. She was arrested today (Thursday) Nagaur superintendent of police Ram Moorthy said.
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