New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.
New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to close at 57,038, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 178 points or 1.05 per cent higher to settle at 17,137. Mid- and small-cap shares finished on a mixed note as Nifty Midcap 100 index rose 0.75 per cent and the small-cap shed 0.18 per cent. 10 out of the 15 sector gauges -- compiled by the National Stock Exchange -- ended in the green. Sub-indexes Nifty Auto, Nifty Oil & Gas and Nifty IT outperformed the index by rising as much as 2.20 per cent, 1.94 per cent and 1.16 per cent, respectively. On the stock-specific front, BPCL was the top Nifty gainer as the stock surged 4.23 per cent to ₹ 391.75. Tata Motors, Shree Cement, Eicher Motors and Maruti were also among the gainers.New Delhi: Indian equity benchmarks on Wednesday settled higher, halting a five-session fall, led by gains in automobile and energy stocks. Also, information technology (IT) stocks rebounded after sliding for eight straight sessions. The 30-share BSE Sensex jumped 574 points or 1.02 per cent to clo
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