New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.
New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through a transformation to become a superhero and helping her in the process is MCU's first Hulk, Bruce Banner.New Delhi: Marvel has released the first trailer for its upcoming series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. The series, which stars Tatiana Maslany in the titular role alongside Mark Ruffalo, will begin streaming from August 17 onwards. Mark Ruffalo will be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the series that seemingly tracks lawyer Jennifer Walters' journey from an attorney to a superhero. In the trailer, Jennifer is seen being encouraged and supported by Bruce Banner to transform into She-Hulk and take on the mantle of a superhero. Also seen in the trailer is Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination. The 1 minute 47 seconds trailer begins with Bruce Banner rather ominously declaring (only voice-over), “Being a superhero is a trial by fire.” This is followed by him asking, “Who is going to protect the world if not people like you?” Enter She-Hulk or rather a glimpse of her. We then meet lawyer Jennifer Walters, who has been recently appointed as the face of her firm's new superhero law division. But before she takes on the daunting role, she must go through
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