Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."
Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."
Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by returning to play six months after giving birth to a child. After they beat arch-rivals Pakistan by 107 runs in the Women's World Cup on Sunday, some Indian players were seen having a good time with Maroof's daughter Fatima with pictures and videos of them playing with the six-month-old girl going viral. Vice-captain Harmanpreet Kaur, Mandhana, Shafali Verma, Renuka Singh Thakur, Meghna Singh and Richa Ghosh were seen making playful gestures at the toddler cradled in Maroof's arm. "Coming back post pregnancy in 6 months and playing international cricket is so inspiring. @bismahmaroof setting an example for sportswomen across the globe," Mandhara wrote in her Instagram story. "Lots of love to baby Fatima from India and I hope she picks the bat just like you bcoz lefties are special."Star India opening batter Smriti Mandhana has hailed "inspirational" Pakistan captain Bismah Maroof for setting an example for sportswomen across the world by return
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