New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion was held in the Lower House on 'Situation in Ukraine' on Tuesday with members of both the treasury and Opposition benches expressing their views over the matter and External Affairs Minister replied to the discussion on Wednesday. "Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views," PM Modi said in a tweet. Over the last few days Parliament has witnessed a healthy discussion on the situation in Ukraine and India's efforts to bring back our citizens through Operation Ganga. I am grateful to all MP colleagues who enriched this discussion with their views.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the discussion on the situation in Ukraine in Lok Sabha, saying the rich level of debate illustrates there is bipartisanship on the matters of foreign policy which augurs well for India at the world stage. A short duration discussion
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