New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.
New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.New Delhi: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) informed on Monday that its share buyback offer worth Rs 18,000 crore will open on March 9 and close on March 23. Last month on February 12, the company had announced the share buyback programme entailing 4 crore shares at ₹ 4,500 each. TCS has fixed April 1, 2022 as the last date for settlement of bids on stock exchanges which may even happen earlier, according to a Bombay stock exchange (BSE) filing. TCS promoters - Tata Sons and Tata Investment Corporation Ltd (TICL) - intend to participate in the buyback offer by tendering shares worth about ₹ 12,993.2 crore, according to a company document filed earlier. Tata Sons, which holds about 266.91 crore shares, intends to tender 2.88 crore shares, while TICL (which holds 10,23,685 shares) intends to tender 11,055 shares, it added.
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