New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.
New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union Home Secretary accompanied by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau will visit Srinagar on Thursday for a two-day visit to review all arrangements put in place. Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and DIB Arvind Kumar are visiting Srinagar to review security arrangements ahead of the annual pilgrimage to the Amarnath cave shrine. The visit gains significance as in the last month, many outsiders have been targeted by terrorists after which the Ministry of Home Affairs asked security agencies operating in J&K to enhance counter-terror operations. Following this, nakkas (checkpoints) and search operations were stepped up, especially in South Kashmir. Continuous efforts are getting results as well, as per the Jammu and Kashmir police. "We have managed to seize a huge cache of arms and ammunition in the last 48 hours. The neutralised terrorists were from JeM and have been identified as Jameel Pasha alias Usman Chachu, a Pakistani terrorist and Sameer Sofi, a resident of Amshipura, Shopian," revealed an officer in charge of operations in the valley.New Delhi: After a gap of two years, the annual Hindu pilgrimage Amarnath Yatra is all set to start on June 30. The Union
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